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This prisoner is not having a good day
Prisoner gets abused and forced to support BLM
64,786 views Aug 12, 2021

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TheKingOfKingz Well-Known 881 points
Haha, that's the only way these whites will ever learn, you gotta make them learn.
+5 votes
Aug 12, 2021
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,104 points
Actually this is some kind of joke, the prison where I’m from the Nazi low riders and Arian brotherhood RUN the prisons and niggers answer to whites lol. You need some education you silly spook, the white man runs the show , you’ve been watching too much tv little Nigg Nogg boy
Roman's Revenge Well-Known 805 points
What prision are you from?
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,104 points
@Romans Revenge
San Quentin ! Whites run it, Mexicans come in second and niggers suck tail on the rest. Ask anyone idiot !
L.a native
Nazy low riders are pc protective custody pieces of shit Aryan Bros are fuckn dead Mexican mafia and south siders run all California prisons u fuckn idiot I just did 10 years in calipatria and wasco don't be fuckn lying to ppl white is the minority in prison come on dude be realistic everywhere I went in prison u guys were like 5 to 6 maybe 10 deep in the whole fuckn yard. Sur 13 runs shit mothafuckr
Tokyo 11 points
Disgusting white freak. You have proven that you and your smelly pathetic race are savages and mindless rodents that think of nothing but sinful and immoral things. It's a fact that Whites are universally despised and must be wiped out for the greater good.
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,104 points
@Tokyo Actually it’s not a fact you silly slant eye. First on the list of universally despised is #1 niggeroids ! The Mexicans cannot STAND them. #2 next in line is jews ! Everyone hates a scamming Jew ! #3 Asians come next in line and historically we’ve had to show them who’s boss. LASTLY- It would probably be Hispanics, they are pretty much as useless as a nigger and have never created a 1st world nation. #4 Whites are the only race who spreads the good word of God and gives money to the needy, no other race does this and a majority of the dark/parasite races are incredibly selfish and would never lay their life down for freedom (as whites do) ! CHECKMATE
WtfTube Well-Known 885 points
I'm Norwegian and have actual viking blood, and no niggers here so I'm still better than all of you ‍♂️
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,104 points
@WtfTube I was talking to the nigger my friend. And I’m also of the Celtic bloodline and proud of it. I’m just waiting for the rest of the world to awake to the fact that historically multiculturalism and diversity has NEVER worked and has been a catastrophic failure EVERY TIME.
Valkism person Advanced 2,745 points
I'm Italian German but I'm more German so I'll beat you asshole
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Sure buddy. Congratulations I see that you are proud of white scum.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Sorry homey, just except what happened; your jive ass pipe dream stories don't change a thing.
microbeworld Beginner 102 points
dont you see majority of prisioners are niggers, you race is useless
WhitesEatNiggerCum Overlord 5,954 points
You must have not locked; blacks don't suck no tail.
WtfTube Well-Known 885 points
Maybe not tails, but they do suck lots of dicks tho
Hanza#6161 Experienced 386 points
Meu nome é Yoshikage Kira. Tenho 33 anos. Minha casa fica na parte nordeste de Morioh, onde todas as casas estão, e eu não sou casado. Eu trabalho como funcionário das lojas de departamentos Kame Yu e chego em casa todos os dias às oito da noite, no máximo. Eu não fumo, mas ocasionalmente bebo. Estou na cama às 23 horas e me certifico de ter oito horas de sono, não importa o que aconteça. Depois de tomar um copo de leite morno e fazer cerca de vinte minutos de alongamentos antes de ir para a cama, geralmente não tenho problemas para dormir até de manhã. Assim como um bebê, eu acordo sem nenhum cansaço ou estresse pela manhã. Foi-me dito que não houve problemas no meu último check-up. Estou tentando explicar que sou uma pessoa que deseja viver uma vida muito tranquila. Eu cuido para não me incomodar com inimigos, como ganhar e perder, isso me faria perder o sono à noite. É assim que eu lido com a sociedade e sei que é isso que me traz felicidade. Embora, se eu fosse lutar, não perderia para ninguém.
Hanza#6161 Experienced 386 points
Meu nome é Yoshikage Kira. Tenho 33 anos. Minha casa fica na parte nordeste de Morioh, onde todas as casas estão, e eu não sou casado. Eu trabalh  o como funcionário das lojas de departamentos Kame Yu e chego em casa todos os dias às oito da noite, no máximo. Eu não fumo, mas ocasionalmente bebo. Estou na cama às 23 horas e me certifico de ter oito horas de sono, não importa o que aconteça. Depois de tomar um copo de leite morno e fazer cerca de vinte minutos de alongamentos antes de ir para a cama, geralmente não tenho problemas para dormir até de manhã. Assim como um bebê, eu acordo sem nenhum cansaço ou estresse pela manhã. Foi-me dito que não houve problemas no meu último check-up. Estou tentando explicar que sou uma pessoa que deseja viver uma vida muito tranquila. Eu cuido para não me incomodar com inimigos, como ganhar e perder, isso me faria perder o sono à noite. É assim que eu lido com a sociedade e sei que é isso que me traz felicidade. Embora, se eu fosse lutar, não perderia para ninguém.
Humachine Overlord 5,006 points
So that's the only place they can aspire greatness, in prison? Lol
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
You cracker ass ain't shit I'm Mexican foo and in the Mexican gang 161st pítbulls we don't like you crackers we fuck up crackers like u on a daily basis we only accept blacks and street Asians foo fuck outta here fucking trash donkey honkey pussy
markastin78 60 points
Weak ass krakker shut the fukk up arians dont run shitt nowhere. Any prison in America blacks outnumber whites at least 5 to 1 so them mf's aint running shitt you been watching too many movies pussy
white_resistance 1 point
@TheKingOfKingz yes we white boys are u punk bitches, we are faggots for bbc, make us suck ur dick and fuck our honky assholes
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,104 points
BLM can suck a big white cock ! I am waiting for the glorious day when the white race starts putting rounds in the domes of the 16% nigger populous in the United States ! It is going to happen and niggers won’t be able to do SHIT HA HA HA HA HA , it’s going to be a “LIVE GORE” moment for sure !
0 votes
Aug 12, 2021
White trash is what you are I bet you could eat a gallon of my grandmas finest shit because that’s what you are lmao you dirty cousin fucking white inbred socially awkward incompetent lowlife dirty eating faggot....and with all due respect after this I’m gonna go mutilate your mom with a can opener you transgendered primitive ass sniffer you have the IQ of a fucking New York street rat
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,104 points
Awwwwwww boo boo nigger only has names to call LMAO, you’re hilarious kiddo, why don’t you tell us all how 16% niggers are going to beat 65% whites and the rest of the other races who sorely dislike niggeroids… I’m waiting little fella-
i left Famous 3,983 points
in fact, every race hates niggas that's for sure even the dumbass Arabs do too haha all you guys need is a true American country boy to lead the revolution
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Don't understand what you mean? The whites have been killing niggas since we where  on the slave ships coming over here. What is this new revolution or race you guys are blubbering about? YOU ALL BEEN KILLING NIGGAS FOR CENTURIES. Sit down and shut up. Thanks.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Well, I have traveled across Europe,Asia, Netherlands and fucked tons of white, fine bitches who have since never looked back to the tweezer dicked, cowardly white dudes. So when you say EVERYONE hates niggers; speak for yourself. Your wife may feel otherwise.  I realize it's a lonely life being a ignorant racist and you need to validation and courage from others, but come on man! Cheers budddy.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Get on with it then you cowardly punk. Set if it off fool; oh yeah. You been trying to kill for the last couple of years so never mind.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
My good man, I think you are grossly mistaken. I was an international traveling entertainer for 20 years (Europe, Asia,Baltics, Netherlands...) and fine, beautiful woman stalked me for nigger dick. And you bet your sweet ass I gave it to 'em GOOD! In other words, when you say everybody hates niggers, you just mean you you and some other ignorant,impotent,cowardly,spineless dudes who have nothing better to do than getting online and talking about what they desire most. Anyway, I have fucked far more white bitches than you ever will, so regardless of your statement, I know for a fact you are merely projecting your wishes. Sorry buddy, but somebody had to break it to you.
i left Famous 3,983 points
oh my dumbass friend im white living in a dark skin country, I don't have a wife XD, you calling me a coward I bet i can bet up to 10 of you alone i don't give a fuck about what you did bitches fuck with everyone from every race that's why they are bitches i haven't fucked any blacks i admit that but i have beaten a lot of black dudes in my country,  my dick is 7.1 inches wtf are you talking about? i can kill every person i want but you can't cuz you are a black faggot im not like American whites you haven't seen a real white yet in your life
i left Famous 3,983 points
you dumb fuck stop replaying me in every god damn video go bother somebody else
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Oh boy; honkies have been killing niggers since they were on the boats back in the day. Come on now get a grip on reality. Don't be butt hurt because a honky got his ass handed to him. Just accept it.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Yes you are a coward and a liar; you ain;t killed nobody and you ain't gonna kill nobody. Why do white dumb fucks get so mad whenthey see a black get the upper hand? Are you really that childish and fragile> Get over it and accept is done. No bullshit hate speeches change what happened here. The nigger won. Cheers.
WhitesEatNiggerCum Overlord 5,954 points
I guess this site is some kind of therapy for your disillusionment and anger management?
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
I'll beat you your ass foo fucking cracker where u from foo meet me at 161st pítbulls gang lands pussy what's up dawg I'll fuck you up foo
markastin78 60 points
Fukk all that what yo pussy ass gone do. Not a mf thang cause you a coward just like the rest of theez white pussies flexxing. Weak bitch on the street yall can hide behind guns but when its time to prove your manhood youll be just like the krakker in this video
cravenblade110 Beginner 125 points
until the black man meets a white dude who don't take shit lol
+7 votes
Aug 14, 2021
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
LIke the guy in the video?
Tanel Advanced 2,341 points
Good!Make that white racist piece of shit to say it out loud!
+4 votes
Aug 16, 2021
ChinoMoreno13 28 points
MS13 here
+4 votes
Jan 11, 2022
Mierda seca killer! Ws Wst gang
Fuck mierdas
You niggers and jews take longer to dissolve but the pigs eat it anyways.
+3 votes
May 5, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Really funny how you coward racists hide behind the computer and act LIKE KILLERS AND SUCH.WOULD YOU REALLY KILL SOMEONE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW?
Valkism person Advanced 2,745 points
The prison whore
+5 votes
Jun 25, 2022
coonblaster Extreme Poster 714 points
–1 vote
Jan 13, 2023
niggerdickjunky Overlord 5,485 points
Another jive honky put in his place.
+5 votes
Mar 16, 2023
WhereDaWhiteHoesAt? Overlord 5,519 points
Ha ha!
+5 votes
Mar 20, 2023
WhereDaWhiteHoesAt? Overlord 5,519 points
No white boy is going to have a good day in the booty house
+5 votes
Mar 20, 2023
Nor should he.
+6 votes
Apr 6, 2023
Mr. Magoo Famous 4,362 points
Hee hee hee!
+5 votes
Apr 6, 2023
mudbutt Overlord 5,050 points
+5 votes
Apr 11, 2023
Bobby The Blade Overlord 5,869 points
That toothless fucker is a fine representation of the master race.
0 votes
Apr 30, 2023
markastin78 60 points
Yeah he sire does look like a master getring his bitch ass slapped around
Can't get enough of this one!
+7 votes
May 23, 2023
Still loving this.
+7 votes
May 25, 2023
WhereDaWhiteHoesAt? Overlord 5,519 points
Hell of a day white boy!
+5 votes
May 25, 2023
the great white hope Overlord 6,073 points
The best.
+3 votes
May 26, 2023
As has been said, the more white the berry,the more bitter the juice.
+5 votes
Jun 21, 2023
Raccoon Natural Addict 7,349 points