what do governments do? where do they get their money from?
A: they STEAL it from people! this is EXACTLY what mafia does, they point a finger at you and say "GIVE US SHARE OF YOUR MONEY OR WE TAKE IT BY FORCE"
look at those shits, they are making their laws and rules only to defend themselves, they aren't doing this to defend people. they treat people like sheep, like cattle, they tag people. they force you to have ID and force you to identify yourself!
we, the people, are nothing more than cattle to mafia aka governments!
i hate governments, i never got anything positive from them!
i'm ok with governments keeping peace and i'm ok with laws like "don't steal", but you can't make a law if you don't follow it yourself. STEALING = taking something from someone without their consent. I DO NOT consent to paying taxes! that's STEALING! they take my money by force!
fucking hypocrites, i say KILL THEM ALL!
also MAFIA (aka government) is telling me that i can't build a house, because it's "their land". did they fucking build the earth? NO! THEY DID NOT! so who the fuck are they to tell me that i can't build a house where i want?
if you work for MAFIA, you're a target! your own fault. if i was working for government and there was group who fights against government, i'd offer to be a spy for them!