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+7 votes


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When you just don't give a fuck anymore
Fuck it
27,326 views Jun 10, 2023

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Arno 0 points
so cool man
0 votes
Jun 10, 2023
OverResult7 Intermediate 1,026 points
Was at the time. Now it just looks good
FarmerFred2023 Natural Addict 7,661 points
Attention seekers. Ugh. "Nobody loves me, nobody gets me...waah!" Pour lemon juice and salt on it and see how ballsy you are. Is it still dripping?
+1 vote
Jun 10, 2023
OverResult7 Intermediate 1,026 points
Farmer Fred, there is no one to get any meaningful and loving attention from you assumptive Cunt, I don't even love me. That's why we're here, that's why this video exists. I have nobody so fk it. And If it makes you feel any better, I did them all nice and slow.
FarmerFred2023 Natural Addict 7,661 points
Thank you overresult7. It pleases me so. Except the cunt part, but to each his own. I respect you.
Phlegm Addicted 2,101 points
@FarmerFred2023 Usually, the goal of self harm isn't to get attention. Many people who engage in self harm hide the evidence carefully. There are many reasons people do it, but to my knowledge the most common are: To make the brain release endorphins and adrenaline which act as pain killers and more importantly as antidepressants. This is either done as a way to gain momentary relief from severe psychological distress, or due to a dependence. Often the mental pain is far worse than the physical pain brought by cutting To gain relief from dissociation. Feeling completely emotionally numb to everything is extremely unpleasant so it sometimes feels better to be in pain than to feel nothing. As a form of self punishment because you hate yourself or redirect your anger at others at yourself.
FarmerFred2023 Natural Addict 7,661 points
I will go slice myself
Phlegm Addicted 2,101 points
Please don't.
FarmerFred2023 Natural Addict 7,661 points
Orange slice my boy
Phlegm Addicted 2,101 points
Fair enough.
DiezelDuckKellpuzzy Well-Known 993 points
Well I would not want you to die bro.
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,170 points
Imagine hurting yourself. Just hurt others duhh?
+2 votes
Jun 10, 2023
Raspberry cookie 43 points
Neither is good imagine how the people getting hurt feel
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,439 points
exactly right?
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,439 points
Raspberry you are a faggot. you don't belong here
Raspberry cookie 43 points
Stop u hurted my fweelings
Amerimutt -216 points
Bitch is mad
0 votes
Jun 10, 2023
fucktheniggers 14 points
what the hell lol
+1 vote
Jun 10, 2023
Raspberry cookie 43 points
Woah did u hit a vein or an artery?? I hope your okay now physically and mentally stay safe bud life really can get better.
0 votes
Jun 10, 2023
zzzz Beginner 189 points
neat..ur gonna wear long sleeves for life now
0 votes
Jun 10, 2023
alessandro_ Addicted 1,815 points
More like when u dont care about the pain
0 votes
Jun 10, 2023
satisfaction22 Famous 3,345 points
when mommy and daddy don't give you enough attention
+1 vote
Jun 11, 2023
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,439 points
tbf dude, I'd respect you much more if you did this to a nigger. Also, if you actually want to die, you need to cut an artery, not the top of your forearm.
+1 vote
Jun 11, 2023
Raspberry cookie 43 points
Lets not give tips and tricks buddy and no one cares what you'd respect because the bar for that is obviously very low.
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,439 points
you're an ignorant pussy. probably grew up in a white neighbourhood and havent experienced first hand what niggers are like. Exterminate all niggers!
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,439 points
Jesus Christ this just pisses me off. If you are actually willing, and have the balls, then make some REAL content and go film yourself killing a nigger! Give the people what they really want! We don't want to see a white man fuck himself up like this.
+1 vote
Jun 11, 2023
Raspberry cookie 43 points
Im starting to think your obsession with black people is some weird kind of fetish. Like whatever jeffery dahmer had
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,439 points
nah, I've just had to deal with far too much of their monkey degenerate shit in life because of where I grew up. utopia for me is a place where niggers don't exist. hitler was right. It's a shame he didn't get to exterminate more niggers
thatoneguyMike06 Addicted 1,920 points
If you're this calm when you're bleeding that much, you need help.
0 votes
Jun 11, 2023
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,439 points
Yousef Advanced 2,303 points
just shoot yourself dumbass
0 votes
Jun 11, 2023
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,473 points
You better have cleaned up after yourself, leaving a mess like that is a dick move.
0 votes
Jun 11, 2023
MrTellfer Addicted 1,835 points
Fckng attention whore. Just end it. But don’t forget to film it
0 votes
Jun 11, 2023
OverResult7 Intermediate 1,026 points
You can upload it yeah
لطيف شرير 5 points
الامبالاه  في الموت
0 votes
Jun 12, 2023
MommaLeblanc 79 points
Your daily reminder to tell chronic self harmers to go for their necks next time you meet one!
0 votes
Jun 13, 2023
Phlegm Addicted 2,101 points
Damn. You must have hit an artery. I have never done that and I hope I never do. You gotta do something about self harming before you completely sever an artery and need professional medical attention.
0 votes
Jun 20, 2023
Saysumptin The Boss 30,511 points
Just cut a artery and get it over with
0 votes
Jul 10, 2023
monique 41 points
I've never quit self harm. Once you start you will always be on a clean streak before you do it again. Fuck life
0 votes
Jan 10, 2024
DiezelDuckKellpuzzy Well-Known 993 points
Well I wouldn't want to see you harm yourself
OverResult7 Intermediate 1,026 points